Why Are Pinnipeds So Cute?

It is a fact that Pinnipeds are cute.  Really, this post should not exist because it is such a commonly-known fact.  See, for example, my photo below of Cobh, the pupper Harbor Seal at the Mystic Aquarium.


However, there may be some of you out there who want proof that Pinnipeds are cute.  Fine.

What people find cute has been studied by Psychologists.  For example, in the paper "Baby Schema In Human and Animal Faces Induces Cuteness Perception and Gaze Allocation in Children" Psychologists found that people find the attributes of having a round face, big eyes, high forehead, small nose, and small mouth as being judged as "cute" when given a set of photos of different people, babies, and animals to examine.

Pinnipeds fit all of these attributes.  Round face and big eyes?  Always.

Also, derpiness is cuteness

Small nose and mouth?  Of course!

Fur Seal is upset that you would question his cuteness.

High forehead, meaning a large space between the eyebrows and the top of the head?  Eh, close enough.

Sort of depends upon how you look at z pinniped.

WE DO NOT NEED SCIENCE TO PROVE THAT PINNIPEDS ARE CUTE.  Do not question the cuteness of Pinnipeds.  We do not need proof of something that is obvious.


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